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Psoriasis Club Newsletter

*The newsletter is no longer available*

If you would like to receive a copy of the Psoriasis Club Newsletter please read on.

When and how can I see it?

Our newsletter goes live in the public domain on the 7th of each month. But our members can see an early unedited version on the 1st of each month by subscribing to our email notification.

How do I subscribe?

If you are a member you need to log-in and go here: Newsletter
Now you will see "Groups you can join" On the right hand side of Newsletter Group you will see "Join Group" Click that and you will see this image in your profile.
You will also see the words "Leave Group" on the usergroup page that means you are subscribed. You will now receive an Email on the 1st of each month with a link to the newsletter

Is my Email address private?

Yes the system sends out the newsletter via an automated task. Your email address can only be seen by the administrator of the forum, and you have our guarantee that it will never be shared or sold on.

Can I unsubscribe?

Yes no problem, you can unsubscribe from your Control Panel or let us know via Email.


It is important to make sure you are accepting emails from Psoriasis Club. So click this link Messaging and Notification and make sure you have the box checked where it says "Receive emails from the Administrators"

Should you have any problems or questions please contact one of the Forum Helpers

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